Like other investors, domain investors are private citizens who are investing their hard earned money to make money from domain names and do not expect any interference from the government because domain registration, renewal, development has not been officially nationalized, at least in India. However the harash reality is that powerful greedy dishonest powerful indian intelligence and security agency officials, their relatives, friends and associates are too risk averse, lazy to invest their own hard earned money in domain names, yet are allowed to waste indian tax payer money for decades to defame and harass the harmless domain investors, allegedly bribed by large corporates like google, tata who wish to acquire talent and technology cheaply.
These irrational fraud powerful officials are making, circulating unflatttering videos, visuals like photos of the harmless domain investor, wasting indian tax payer money, to ruin the reputation of the domain investor and then falsely claiming that their relatives, friends, sex partners and associates, who do not spend any money on domain names, own the domain names of a private citizen who is being defamed.
Like all frauds, these officials cannot justify the warped logic of the virtual world in an open debate, just because someone is making videos, photos of a woman who they hate to defame her, why does she stop owning her assets like domain names in which she has invested her money, and why are lazy greedy cunning frauds defaming her allowed to falsely claim that they own her domain names? Defaming a person, does not mean that the slanderer(or his associates) automatically has the resume, investment of the person against whom they are making fake allegations against without any legally valid proof at all.