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bookmark_borderWeight, beauty cannot justify financial fraud, identity theft

To have an impressive resume, investment, a woman has to work very hard for many years. It is also agreed that men and women are slimmest and best looking when they are young in their teens and twenties

After wasting crores of indian tax payer money making fake allegations without any proof against the harmless google competitor, now the fraud ntro, raw, cbi employees are making fake excuses of weight to justify their identity theft

Now that the fraud ntro, R&AW, Cbi, security agencies are not able to find any proof to defend their security threat, black money, money laundering, cheating allegations against the google competitor and india’s largest female domain investor since 2010, they are trying to cover up their financial fraud, identity theft racket giving flimsy excuses that the google competitor is not good looking and slim enough.

However if these fraud government, google, tata employees had the courage, humanity and honesty to face the google competitor and domain investor, she would ask them why did the google competitor not get R&AW/CBI job with fake resume,fake investment when she was slim, good looking in her twenties, why are only google, tata sponsored sex workers,cheater housewives and other frauds eligible for R&AW/CBI jobs with fake investment, fake resume and fake online work in their twenties, just because they are slim

The indian constitution says that all indian citizens are equal,why do older women engineers have to keep quiet when section 420 fraud indian government employees falsely claim that lazy greedy google,tata supplied goan sex workers, cheater housewives and others frauds who never worked as engineers, have their impressive resume, investment

bookmark_borderWhen brahmin fraud ntro employees do not care for their victims, why should their domain investor victims care for these fraudsters

It is now well established and proved that the brahmin fraud ntro employees are liars, cheaters, lacking integrity and humanity. They have caused a lot of damage to innocent harmless indian citizens, domain investors with their endless liars and frauds, fake help, resume, savings theft, blocking payment and causing losses.
Now their victims realize that these fraud ntro employees have no proof against them at all, and are making fake allegations without any legally valid proof only to defame, cheat and exploit them , cause mental stress
Other than making it difficult to get orders, there is nothing else the ntro employees can do to cause losses or harm the paypal account holder and domain investor. So slowly the domain investors are realizing that ntro employees are just like the nigerian fraudsters, only the indian government is wasting tax payer paying a salary to the fraudster ntro employees and their fraud girlfriends like nayanshree hathwar, ruchika, veena, riddhi siddhi sunaina.

bookmark_borderWriting the truth gets your answer collapsed on Quora for Indians

If Indians want to know the truth especially about brahmins in India, they should check the collapsed answers on Quora. Online censorship levels in India are very high in 2017, and anything negative about brahmins is immediately censored like this classic answer on GSB, GSB men in particular

Nobody will tell you this but GSBs are the most backward people on earth. They will never marry outside of their own GSB community. So in the end, it’s all going to be incest.

They think they are better than other brahmins but in the end they are just a bunch of losers who think being born into a particular community makes them special. It doesn’t !!!

The GSB men are players. They will fool you with their fake sweetness and break your trust and your heart. They will use you and manipulate you. They are heartless and spineless and will never stand up for what is right.

Edit: Writing the truth gets your answer collapsed. I really don’t know what I should change. I wrote about a fact that no one will really be speaking out loud. The reason I have upvoters for this answers, and all GSBs BTW, is because this is the unspoken truth. Why do I need to improve the answer then ? I was asked for an unknown fact and i gave one.

People here have written that GSBs are scholars and successful in thier fields. So is that how we judge people now, only by how successful they are ? How useful is all that success when you are still backward in your thought process and consider caste to be an important factor in a decision as big as choosing a life partner.

The fact that we are discussing caste here is in itself a big fail for me. But I gave you my opinion, which is what I have seen in multiple cases not just one or two.

bookmark_borderI Have a Really Good Girlfriend

Of course my mother loves Trina and so she is keen to help me with this, but I am not sure that her suggestion is appropriate since we have not been going out all that long. I met this girl when I went to see a Peoria chiropractors. I have known her about seven months, but the actual dating has only been going on for about half that long. It did not start out so quickly since I was in grad school. At any rate my mom is in a hurry for grandchildren and she adores Trina. So she wants me to give her a pearl choker that used to belong to my great grandfather. This thing is both an antique and very expensive. My mom has it insured for a small fortune. Continue reading “I Have a Really Good Girlfriend”

bookmark_borderIntelligence agencies worldwide recognize haryana R&AW employee mba ruchika king’s blackmail skills, Manushi chiller crowned miss world

India is extremely unfortunate for indians that the incompetent shameless fraud indian intelligence and security agencies are only using the beauty of a woman to judge her ability, competence, Now intelligence agencies worldwide are aware of the fact that though google, tata sponsored karnal haryana blackmailer R&AW employee mba hr ruchika king, is extremely mediocre, has no online skills, investment, just because she is good looking, charming, all the top indian intelligence and security agencies are willing to overlook her all flaws and give the blackmailer great powers
The karnal haryana fraud R&AW employee mba hr ruchika king was too lazy to answer JEE, get her own engineering degree blackmailed the shameless lighteyed brahmin fraud ntro employee domlur director puneet, to steal the resume of his btech 1993 ee classmate, a google competitor and get the greedy fraud blackmailer ruchika a lucrative R&AW job at the expense of the google competitor
So as tribute to google, tata sponsored haryana blackmailer, fraud R&AW employee mba hr ruchika who top indian intelligence and security agency employees are infatuated with, another good looking woman from haryana, manushi chiller was crowned miss world,

bookmark_borderWhy is single woman bhandari engineer expected to tolerate fraud ntro employee j srinivasan’s defamation lies

If powerful ntro employee j srinivasans favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan,only interested in non stop SEX with powerful men with the help of her pimps in google, tata , was actually doing work online, getting money in her own bank account, linked to her PAN, aadhaar card, no one would have protested as there are many people who actually do some work online and make money .

However in a major PROSTITUTION RACKET masterminded by R&AW employee sunaina’ PIMPS in google, tata, top ntro employees led by j srinivasan falsely claim that their favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan,only interested in non stop SEX with powerful men,(like google, tata sponsored indore document robber R&AW employee cheater housewife veena another section 420 fraud) owns the paypal , bank account of the google competitor, bhandari single woman engineer.

Can the indian government, bhandari leaders and officials justify in an open debate why R&AW is not honest that goan bhandari R&AW employee sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc has been hired only for her SEX services and indore document robber R&AW employee housewife veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone for stealing documents of her relative, they are not connected to the internet sector in any way at all and have never worked as engineers.

Till people and the indian government openly acknowledge the google competitor, single woman bhandari engineer, as the domain investor and paypal account holder, she will continue to expose the google, tata, sex, bribery, impersonation racket

bookmark_borderNo valid reason why google competitor should allow NTRo employees lazy greedy sex worker, fraud girlfriends to take credit

One of the greatest frauds of google, tata, cbi, ntro is how they expect the google competitor to keep quiet when the section 420 fraud NTRo employees give their lazy greedy sex worker, fraud girlfriends who do no work and do not invest any money online credit and a monthly indian government salary ayt her her expense .
The ntro employees who claim to be honest saints should be honest enough to admit that their lazy greedy girlfriends like sunaina, siddhi are too busy having SEX with them, looking after their house , they do not have the time or inclination to do any work online, invest any money online
The fact that ntro employees are making fake claims can be proved checking bank details, tax records
As long as the savings, resume of the google competitor are stolen, she has a legally valid reason to expose the great tata,google goan government sex, resume theft racket which is causing great financial and other losses, like loss of privacy.

bookmark_borderExposing the google, tata fake claims of “balanced’ SECTION 420 FRAUD RAW/CBI employees impersonating the google competitor

shameless section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi, raw employees have been extremely vicious in defaming a harmless google competitor, refusing to acknowledge that she alone has worked very hard to save money and falsely claim that she is leading a very unbalanced life, when actually she works for far fewer hours daily compared to almost all her classmates because of lack of opportunities, ntro torture
As part of google, tata’s campaign to make goa the sex capital of the world beating thailand, phuket and other places, Google, tata claim that only lazy greedy mediocre goan SEX worker R&AW employees sunaina chodan , siddhi mandrekar supplied to NTRO, CBI, R&AW, security agency employees for SEX,cheaters who steal documents like indore housewife veena, cheat people of their hard earned money lead a balanced life and should be given R&AW/CBI jobs with fake resumes, fake investment and fake work online
All indian paypal account holders who are working online are leading very unbalanced life, while goan SEX workers with google, tata employees as Pimps, cheater housewives who do not spend any money online, do not do any work online lead a very balanced life according to the irrational greedy shameless shameless section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi, raw employees
The shameless section 420 fraud google, tata, ntro, cbi, raw employees do not have the courage, honesty or integrity to face the google competitor they are defaming in an open debate and justify how sex workers and frauds who are not doing any work online, as proved by their income tax returns, are balancing online and offline work.
It can be legally proved that the 10 google tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, paypal account are not doing any online work and are not balancing online and offline work in any way
By defaming women working online as being unbalanced, google, tata are discouraging women from using the internet

bookmark_borderAdvertising on a rationalist blog

One of the reasons why it is difficult for businesses to flourish in goa is that the shameless greedy irrational goan gsb, obc bhandari fraud mafia of caro,mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodan, hathwar, kodancha and other liar dishonest intelligence and security agency employees have been given great powers in goa without being questioned or held accountable.

Though income tax returns, bank details prove that the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored mediocre relatives of these fraud government employees like R&AW/CBI employees goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife extortionist riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut, indore fraud veena, brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar have never invested any money online, do not have their own paypal account, and do not do any work online, have not answered JEE, allegedly bribed by google, tata , these shameless fraud irrational officials continue to make fake claims, so that their lazy fraud shameless relatives get great powers and a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder, domain investor, obc bhandari engineer and google competitor who had a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai

This google, tata masteminded online financial fraud started in 2010, and though millions of dollars of indian tax payer money has been wasted annually, the fraud shameless irrational goan, shivalli brahmin and other officials refuse to admit their mistake and repeat their lies hysterically like parrots,
The irrational fraud government employees have caused great losses to the real domain investor and google competitor, so any kind of advertising will be greatly appreciated.

Sometimes we try to rationalize away the things that happen to us, and say it was just a coincidence. How many time does something have to happen over and over again before its more? Well I would bet dollars to donuts that if you calculated your life path number using the numerology calculator at you would find that these so called coincidences are all outlined in your numerology chart. Understand your numerology, and you will be better equipped to handle the things that life throws at you.

bookmark_borderWhen the indian government rewards cheaters like nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar with R&AW jobs for fraud on business owners , job creation is affected

Increasingly young people are preferring government jobs, no one wishes to start a business taking a risk, because they are aware of the fact that in India, startup owners and small business owners are second class citizens, denied their fundamental rights to privacy and to earn a fair living, their savings, correspondence, memory and resume stolen by ntro, cbi employees for all those who defame, cheat and exploit small business owners like google, tata sponsored R&AW employees brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar
The indian government falsely claims that google, tata sponsored R&AW employees brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, housewife riddhi nayak, obc bhandari slut sunaina chodan,2013 bsc, indore housewife veena, asmita patel and other frauds who never invested any money in domain names, do not have a paypal account, own the online business of a harmless obc bhandari engineer, domain investor to pay all the frauds a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real business owner.
A huge amount of indian tax payer money has also been wasted by CBI, intelligence and security agency employees to defame the google competitor since 2010, stalking her and misguiding every person she is interacting with with their lies , in a massive waste of the indian tax payer money. When people are aware of the fact that india treats small business owners so badly, denying them their fundamental rights, why will anyone start a business.