SHAMELESS CHEATER LIAR Indore officials/leaders continue india’s greatest ONLINE FRAUD to get indore’s top fraud housewife deepika/veena monthly government salary
indore’s top fraud housewife raw employee deepika/veena has never invested any money in domains, she has no online income at all,she is just like other fraud housewives, only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband mahesh
yet showing that SHAMELESS CHEATER LIAR Indore officials/leaders, madhya pradesh government, cheater indian tech,internet companies are openly involved in india’s greatest ONLINE FRAUD, EXTORTION RACKET since 2010 they continue to get, indore’s top fraud housewife deepika/veena monthly government salary in the indian internet sector, FAKING domain ownership, online income, bank account at th expense of the real domain investor, a single woman engineer, who the LIAR indore, mp officials/leaders CRIMINALLY DEFAME to cover up their massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY
it is an indication of the high levels of corruption, financial fraud in india at present that just because SHAMELESS CHEATER LIAR Indore officials/leaders, madhya pradesh government, cheater indian tech,internet companies are making fake allegations without any proof at all, against a harmless single woman engineer, who is not allowed to defend herself, the government blindly believes all the lies and wastes taxpayer money paying indore’s top fraud a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The indian government policy of falsely claiming that its favorite fraud indore housewife raw employee deepika/veena who does not spend any money on domains, owns this and other domains, has caused great losses to the real domain investor and has forced her to waste her time protesting daily, adversely affecting the quality of the content.
Indian tech and internet companies supporting their favorite fraud indore housewife raw employee deepika/veena fail to explain why their favorite cheater veena, who has become extremely wealthy running the extortion racket, does not legally purchase domains like other lazy greedy domain fraudster fraud raw/cbi employees, expects the real domain investor making huge losses pay the domain renewal fees
The extortion racket,looting harmless citizens residing in other states, cities has made madhya pradesh very rich and it is advertising extensively in newspapers with full page advertisements in hindustan times, times of india.
Yet the mp government like other states goa, haryana, gujarat, madhya pradesh, lacks the honesty and humanity to even purchase one domain legally, though it is getting indore’s top cheater housewife raw employee deepika/veena monthly government salary for faking domain ownership.