Till 2010, the obc bhandari engineer, domain investor and google competitor faced no problem or legal issues at all,as she was a harmless civilian who had not harmed or cheated anyone, and did not interact with many people in India.
In 2010-2011, the powerful fraud cunning ntro employees parmar, puneet, j srinivsan, patel, vijay pretending to help the domain investor, rewarded everyone who made fake allegations without any proof, without giving the domain investor an opportunity to defend herself, or asking the person making fake allegations for proof as they had stolen the hard earned money of the engineer, who they actually hated.
After offering FAKE HELP only to steal the resume, savings, memory and correspondence of the harmless obc bhandari engineer, domain investor, in 2013 onwards, these fraud NTRO employees ended their fake help and the fake cases also stopped because those making fake allegations would have to face the engineer and domain investor directly, who would then file a counter case of defamation and extortion as she could easily prove that she had never interacted with them.
Instead of being honest that the fake cases ended because the cunning fraud NTRO employees ended their FAKE HELP and stopped interfering, taking decisions without checking the facts, the domain investor had not cheated and defamed anyone, the cunning fraud ntro, cbi, google, tata employees are trying to defame, cheat and exploit the domain investor, falsely giving their lazy greedy mediocre google, tata sponsored sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud relatives and friends, credit and a monthly R&AW/CBI salary for the lack of cases filed
The domain investor and google competitor never asked anyone for help, authorized anyone to interfere, take decisions, why are the cunning fraud ntro, cbi, google, tata employees falsely claiming that their lazy greedy mediocre fraud relatives and friends like goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina chodankar, naina, veena and others are working online, own the paypal account of the google competitor