Since 2010, allegedly bribed by google, tata, NTRO, the indian equivalent of NSA has wasted a huge amount of indian tax payer money to put a harmless domain investor, google competitor under surveillance, taking photos, making videos, circulating them, just because she has registered more than 500 domain names.It clearly indicates the misplaced priorities of NTRO, that they are wasting so many resources to put a harmless citizen under surveillance, circulate photos and videos. In the USA there are many domain investors like Mathew Klein who have more than 50000 domain names for trading, however NSA and the US government does not put Matthew Klein under surveillance or circulate his photos, videos , denying him his privacy.
In an interview Mathew Klein has openly admitted that is considered a notorious cheapskate ( marwadi in indian terms), yet the security agencies do not label him a security threat or steal his savings without a court order or legally valid reason. Indians imitate US citizens in their clothes, fashion, lifestyle, when will the indian security agencies , NTRO adopt the tolerant american attitude towards investing in domains, instead of hysterically making fake claims without any proof at all, to deny harmless domain investors their fundamental rights.