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bookmark_borderWhy top officials are pampering,rewarding goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE GIVING r&aw employee bsc sunaina

The shameless top NTRO,R&AW, CBI, google,tata officials are wasting a huge amount of tax payer money to pamper and reward the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE GIVING R&AW employee bsc sunaina who sleeps, with them, because the goan obc bhandari slut will ensure that the obc bhandari community will remain POOR and unable to fight the atrocities of the powerful fraud brahmin and other officials.

The lazy greedy FRAUD goan obc bhandari R&AW employee bsc sunaina has got her lucrative job not because of merit or hard work, only for having SEX with and being a puppet of the shameless fraud top NTRO,R&AW, CBI, google,tata officials who have stolen the resume of a brilliant obc single woman engineer, their btech 1993 ee classmate for the mediocre SEX BRIBE GIVING r&aw employee bsc sunaina, half their age. These top officials are extremely shameless frauds, liars and will also falsely claim that their darling sex bribe giver sunaina owns this website where the news of her sex bribes are published and the associated Paypal account.

So the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari SEX SLAVE r&aw employee bsc sunaina will have to whatever the sex starved fraud ntro and other officials she sleeps with, tell her to, for the rest of her life, making it impossible for any meritorious honest hardworking obc bhandari professional to flourish.

bookmark_borderWhy banks are partly responsible for bank ATM frauds

After the Dena Bank ATM fraud, the newspapers in Goa reported that a similar fraud had taken place for ICICI bank, Porvorim branch and the amount stolen was even higher at more than Rs 7 lakh . In a way some of the banks affected are responsible for the bank ATM frauds when these banks, especially private sector banks, destroy the life of their competent hardworking experienced customers making fake allegations of money laundering, black money and being a security threat, without any proof at all.

These customers are making a lot of money online because they are experienced, competent, can compete with the best in the world, yet when the incompetent careless bank and other officials are making fake allegations without proof, without giving the customer a chance to defend himself or herself, they are wasting resources and tax payer money trying to frame an innocent harmless person. Now after nearly 6 years of falsely accusing an innocent person, the bank and other officials have not got any proof, yet refuse to admit their mistake in falsely accusing the innocent bank customer.

Today at least 30-40 people are working full time or part time trying to frame or monitor the harmless online exporter, Paypal account holder, who was falsely accused by some bank and other official. If the same resources were spent for tracing those involved in the ATM fraud, it could have been prevented a long time ago. The careless incompetent bank official making fake allegations without proof has also effectively ended the professional career of a very brilliant hardworking honest person who could have helped trace those involved in the atm and other online frauds.

So when banks, intelligence and security agencies in India falsely accuse a brilliant experienced hardworking individual of an illegal activity without a valid proof, they are not only wasting tax payer money, resources like expensive ntro monitoring equipment, they are destroying the life of an innocent harmless person, and allowing ATM fraudsters, cybercriminals to commit crimes freely.

bookmark_borderIndian Security, intelligence agencies specialize in framing innocent people

India is one of the most corrupt and poorest countries in the world, because the all powerful indian intelligence and security agencies specialize in framing innocent people, especially if they are bribed by powerful companies. A obc domain investor never faced any problem for transactions online with foreign customers and offline, most people she actually worked with, confirmed that she was an extremely honest person.

However large companies, allegedly google, tata and ntro officials started rewarding fraud people for making fake allegations against the obc engineer, without giving her a chance to defend herself, to ruin her professional and personal reputation. Now these fraud ntro, tata, google officials are expecting the obc engineer to accept/tolerate the fake allegations made against her by blackmailers who she never interacted with. If she will sell a product or service to indian customers, these indian customers like suraksha shetty are also encouraged to cheat her openly, knowing that google, tata will protect these frauds.

Being an educated person, why should the obc engineer tolerate the fake allegations made by blackmailers who are looking for quick money and she has no interaction with at all. If she is given the names, address of these people she will file a case of extortion and defamation, how companies and officials are keeping the names of blackmailers confidential, yet using mind reading, voice to skull technology to torture her.

bookmark_borderWhy do security/intelligence agencies not leave a harmless obc engineer alone

It would be interesting to analyze the mindset of the criminal officials posted in panaji, goa (they may or may not be goan) who are mercilessly torturing a harmless single woman obc engineer to cause her great pain.

The harmless woman being tortured is a law abiding citizen who has not broken any law and has never interacted with these officials in any way to offend or harm them so that revenge motive can be ruled out. If these officials will leave the obc engineer alone, do not stalk and torture her, they will still get a salary, are doing their duty and the obc engineer can do some work, contribute to the goan and indian economy.

However some powerful cruel officials posted in panaji,goa are ruthlessly stalking her to cause great pain so that she remains idle and does not do any work on the computer . These officials are torturing a law abiding citizen to cause great pain, a crime under section 323 and 324 of the indian penal code . These cowardly criminal officials are extremely persistent in torturing the harmless single woman not allowing her to use the computer for hours and punishing her causing great pain.

It becomes obvious that the officials in panaji goa are being bribed or offered some incentive to cause great pain to the obc engineer, so that she does not do any work. It is time that security agency officials are held accountable for the misuse of tax payer money to torture harmless civilians for corporate goals.

bookmark_borderSome shameless indian security agencies involved in a major financial fraud

Though they get a good salary and pension, the shameless greedy security agencies are involved in a major financial fraud, defaming a harmless single woman engineer without proof, torturing her and then stealing the retirement savings of twenty years without a court order or legally valid reason.
These shameless fraud security agencies allegedly bribed by google, tata are now falsely claiming that the stolen documents belong to lazy greedy sex bribe givers who sleep with them, fraud housewives and other cheaters who are promising them a share of the hard earned money of the single woman obc engineer if the security agencies are able to pull off their great impersonation fraud.
Like all cowardly frauds, not a single security agency official has the courage to justify or defend the theft of the retirement savings of a harmless single woman engineer in an open debate

bookmark_borderInternet and other companies should be aware of shameless goan gsb fraudster housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak

Internet companies worldwide should be aware of one of India’s greatest online fraudsters the goan gsb cheater housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut and the gang of crooked google, tata and other officials promoting her including her fraud husband working in intelligence agencies.

The lazy greedy goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi nayak comes from a fraud family that believes that cheating, exploiting obc professionals is their birthright. So the lazy greedy crooked goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak did not bother to answer JEE, get an engineering degree, got married soon after studies to a crooked shameless intelligence agency official.
However the born cheater goan gsb housewife riddhi nayak now falsely claims to have the btech 1993 EE degree, resume, investor of a brilliant obc single woman engineer who her shameless fraud husband and other crooked officials are defaming without proof to get a lucrative CBI job.

Now the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak operates an extortion and impersonation racket with the cbi job she has fraudulently got modifying phone conversations, deleting smses. Without doing any work online or spending any money online, goan gsb riddhi and her shameless gang of frauds are falsely claiming to own the domain names (including this one) and associated Paypal account, to dupe people and companies.

When the lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak does not want to invest money online (as she is risk averse) or do any work online, why does the fraud housewife riddhi and her gang of frauds want to falsely claim to own this domain name,related paypal account and associated online business

bookmark_borderDena bank Atm fraud in Panaji indicates misplaced priorities

The news of the Dena Bank ATM fraud in Panaji, goa clearly indicated the extremely misplaced priorities of the intelligence and security agency officials in Panaji, goa. On TV it was reported that Rs 6.51 lakh was stolen from different customers after a card skimming machine was installed at the atm. the cctv at the ATM was not working, there was no security guard for the atm.
On the hand, allegedly bribed by google, tata, the dishonest security and intelligence agencies have been stalking, torturing a harmless single woman obc engineer, domain investor and paypal account holder for more than 4 years causing very great pain, for the corporate goals of these companies like destroying competition, acquiring talent and technology cheaply.
The single woman engineer is a harmless civilian who has no powers, trying to earn a living, yet at least 30-40 people in panaji, goa are deployed either full time or part time to monitor all her activities especially the lazy greedy fraud R&AW/CBI employees goan gsb frauds riddhi nayak,siddhi mandrekar,obc bhandari sex bribe giver bsc sunaina, brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar and their associates.
The surveillance remains of the obc engineer remains so intense after 5 years, that the obc engineer cannot take a photo in panaji, goa without being monitored and harassed. It clearly indicates the misplaced priorities, when ATMs cannot be monitored, why are security and intelligence agency officials in panaji, goa wasting so many resources, tax payer money being wasted to monitor, harass, torture a harmless single woman obc engineer mostly at home, denying her the fundamental right to privacy

bookmark_borderR&AW/CBI financial fraud promoting indore housewife veena

In 2010, top CBI/R&AW/security agency officials had planned a major financial fraud on a harmless single woman obc engineer who had worked very hard to save money for her retirement. A relative of the obc engineer, indore housewife veena and her husband were promised a large percentage of the retirement savings of the obc engineer, if they agreed to be part of an impersonation fraud.
The relative veena had married in 2000, was living in indore and as she had a lavish lifestyle she had no pan related savings. On the other hand, the obc engineer had worked very hard, lived a frugal life and saved some money for her old age, as she was single and had no financial help in her old age .
So these shameless fraud CBI/R&AW/security agency officials started spreading false rumors that the indore housewife owned the savings, had the financial assets, resume of the obc single woman engineer and started defaming the harmless single woman, making up false stories without proof. These officials planned to steal the savings of the obc engineer and give it to her relative veena in an impersonation fraud.

The indore housewife veena had no income between 2000 and 2010, while the obc engineer had worked hard and saved a significant amount. Now the shameless fraud cbi/R&AW officials, allegedly bribed by google, tata are falsely claiming that the mumbai assets, domain names (including this one) of the obc engineer belong to fraud R&AW employee indore housewife veena, who has saved her money in the form of gold.

When the fraud R&AW employee veena was in indore from 2000 to 2010 (which can be proved), how did she open FDs, carry out banking transactions or work in Mumbai during the same period simultaneously, can the shameless powerful fraud R&AW/CBI officials explain in an open debate. There are 8-9 other shameless lazy greedy fraud R&AW/CBI employees who are also falsely claiming to own the assets, have the resume of the obc engineer, yet DNA and age testing will prove the fraud of the powerful R&AW/CBI officials

It is time that these shameless fraud CBI/R&AW officials stop wasting indian tax payer money for their great financial fraud.

bookmark_borderindian intelligence agencies worship, reward mediocre housewives, sex bribe givers, cheaters

If a brilliant female engineer or professional it is better to leave india at the earliest because the shameless fraud powerful indian intelligence and security agencies R&AW, CBI, NTRO worship mediocre lazy greedy housewives, sex bribe givers and hate honest hardworking brilliant single women.

The shameless fraud cbi, ntro, R&AW officials will reward all the mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced housewives, sex bribe givers, cheaters who defame without proof, cheat, exploit brilliant single woman professionals, small business owners with lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs falsely claiming that mediocre lazy greedy fraud housewives, sex bribe givers and cheaters have the impressive resume of the brilliant professional they cheated and exploited.

For example the incredibly shameless dishonest fraud cbi, ntro, R&AW officials are falsely claiming that at least 8-9 lazy greedy fraud cbi/R&AW employees, who do not spend any money, own domain names, websites (including this one), Paypal account linked to the websites. All these websites carry the news of the great impersonation fraud of cbi/R&AW/NTRO employees, yet the shameless fraud ntro officials continue to falsely claim that their fraud friends and relatives working in cbi/R&AW own the websites.

The indian intelligence agencies are behaving extremely irrationally, why will a website owner have news of his or her fraud published on the website, he or she owns and controls? It clearly indicates that no one associated with the indian intelligence and security agencies controls the websites, yet they are shameless liars and frauds falsely claiming to own the assets of a stranger who is not connected to them, so that they can get a R&AW/CBI salary.

bookmark_borderMajor Gift fraud on Indian Paypal account holders

It appears that the cunning dishonest intelligence and security agencies managed to frame a large number of Indian paypal account holders, forcing them to close their Indian Paypal account and using a foreign Paypal account for the goals of large corporates who wanted to acquire talent and technology cheaply.
Anyone with a paypal account and a foreign relative was falsely accused of money laundering, without any proof, these fraud powerful officials falsely claimed that the paypal revenues were gifts from foreign relatives and friends when actually the paypal account holder was providing services or selling a product to customers worldwide.
Now some indian webhosting companies are refusing to accept payment from indian customers using cheque or bank transfer, they are insisting on Paypal payment though they know that paypal cannot be used for payment by Indian customers to indian sellers.
They are claiming that indian customers are paying using paypal though they know that it is not legally possible.

Allegedly a number of indian paypal account holders succumbed to the gift fraud of indian intelligence and security agencies and no longer control their Paypal account, so others are also expected to use foreign paypal account