One of the worst aspects of living in India, is that powerful men think that cheating, exploiting single women is their birthright, she is a doormat, who everyone can cheat without facing the consequences.
For example the eighth standard pass gujju housewife naina and her family, has been told by parmar and other intelligence, security agency employees that they will get a stake in the business of india’s largest female domain investor, the local officials think that the domain investor and engineer can be bullied into giving a stake in the business, they will isolate, defame her completely .
These selfish men have a huge ego, why will a single woman work very hard to get an engineering degree from a top college, if she has to play second fiddle to an eight standard pass housewife who has no professional work experience. Why is the engineer expected to give the eighth standard pass housewife naina( or any other fraud) a stake in the business she has worked very hard for, making very great sacrifices.
These powerful government employees fail to realize that naina should be satisfied with her family and her sons , and have no right to expect any kind of stake in the online business . the engineer is perfectly capable of handling any fake cases of any person who she has interacted or not interacted with, she does not require any kind of help from parmar, naina, or anyone else.
Now that it appears that no one will get a stake in the business for free and they are not interested in investing any money, they are mocking her saying 5 minutes , that these officials will ensure that the business does not grow.