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bookmark_borderBengaluru brahmin cheater puneet fails to explain why his domain fraudster girlfriends with government jobs do not purchase domains legally.

The greedy gujju stock trader asmita patel like indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, haryana mba ruchika kinger, sunaina dhond, siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, sindhi concubine housewife naina chandwani, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of cheater tata power employee
guruprasad and other raw/cbi employees have not answered JEE, have not worked as engineer, do not have online income and do not pay for domains.

Yet the indian tech, internet sector is openly involved in a massive online, financial fraud on domain investors, repeating the lies of cheater top government employees, allegedly puneet, tushar parekh, j srinivasan, vijay and others allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, who are robbing the data, resume of a single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka to get all the cheater raw/cbi employees great powers, monthly government salary in a case of online, financial fraud, slavery and government digital arrest.

Though the real domain investor is making great financial losses, the top indian tech and internet companies continue their massive online, financial fraud to reward indore cheater housewife deepika/veena, greedy gujju stock trader asmita patel and other liar raw/cbi employees who do not pay domain expenses only rob data to fake online income, domain ownership to get great powers, monthly government salary

To justify his massive online, financial fraud, bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet, originally from mhow, mp is citing the lifestyle of the single woman engineer who has ruthlessly cheated, exploited, robbed and tortured since 2010, yet fails to explain why lazy greedy fraud girlfriends faking domain ownership, do not legally purchase the domains which they falsely claim to own to get monthly government salaries

bookmark_borderFor career help, LIAR top indian government employees continue their EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD

Though the cheater liar brahmin indian government employees puneet, roll no. 435 and j srinivasan roll no. 438 have never interacted with their female btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, who they hate, in a major indian government digital arrest racket, EDUCATIONAL, ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, the indian government blindly believes puneet, roll no. 435 and j srinivasan roll no. 438 when they allegedly falsely claims that bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad who has not studied engineering was his btech 1993 classmate to give bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree great powers and monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka who actually studied engineering since 2013.

Though the bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad has only done her 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts & science, kundapura, udupi, does not have much professional experience and is only cooking and cleaning for crooked husband, to get career help from the powerful greedy ruthless shivalli brahmins, cheater liar brahmin indian government employees puneet, roll no. 435 and j srinivasan roll no. 438 have ruthlessly, exploited and robbed their female btech 1993 ee classmate, to make fake claims about the shameless greedy bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad

The bengaluru brahmin cheater puneet, j srinivasan are taking advantage of the fact that the obc/bhandari leaders/officials are dishonest, corrupt, do not help engineers with a good JEE rank fight educational, financial fraud. Instead some goan bhandari leaders/officials allegedly cheater chodankar/naik are collaborating with the powerful shivalli brahmins ,so that bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad and panaji goan bhandari cheater sunaina chodan can continue with their educational, financial fraud, slavery racket, robbing the resume, data of the single woman engineer.

it is an indication of the lack of social justice, that the indian government agencies are refusing to end their EDUCATIONAL FRAUD and continue to reward bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife nayanshree, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad, and others like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro for FAKING a btech 1993 ee degree, their resume, savings, online income and domain ownership.

bookmark_borderLiar top government employees do not want to meet, give phone number to engineer, yet are allowed to rob resume, data

Indicating high levels of government online, financial fraud, slavery, digital arrest in the indian internet sector, Liar top government employees do not want to meet, give phone number to the single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka who they hate, yet are allowed to rob resume, data and make fake claims about their lazy greedy cheater girlfriends like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, naina chandwani, which the government blindly believes to waste taxpayer money, paying all the frauds monthly government salaries, giving them great powers.
When the liar top government employees do not even want to give their phone number or interact with the engineer in any way for more than 14 years, why is the indian government allowing the well paid government employees to waste taxpayer money monitoring the harmless single woman engineer who they hate and do not wish to meet or contact.

bookmark_borderTo cover up greedy gujju stock trader CHEATER raw employee amita patel’s massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, her husband runs a massive extortion racket

Worldwide domain investors are paying for domains and though the greedy gujju stock trader CHEATER raw employee amita patel has a net worth of Rs 100 crores she refuses to legally purchase any domain from a single woman engineer, domain investor, migrant from north karnataka who is paying all the domain and other expenses.

Instead in one of the greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUDs since 2013, with the help of her SHAMELESS CHEATER boyfriends, government employees puneet, tushar parekh and others allegedly from the btech 1993 class of the iit bombay, like panaji kolhapur sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina premchandani, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayaka caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, haryana fraud ruchita kinge and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees, the shameless GREEDY gujju stock trader CHEATER raw employee amita patel has been ROBBING data, FAKING ownership of this and other domains to great powers and monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer in a case of FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY.
to cover up her massive FINANCIAL FRAUD. greedy gujju stock trader CHEATER raw employee amita patel’s husband jitubhai is running an extortion racket, falsely labelling the hardworking single woman engineer as a security threat without any legally valid proof so that the greedy gujju stock trader CHEATER raw employee amita patel can continue to CHEAT the single woman engineer , north karnataka migrant of more than Rs 15 lakh annually since 2013 without being questioned

Though the massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, slavery racket,can be legally proved, the dishonest gujju leaders/officials continue to reward their favorite FRAUD greedy gujju stock trader CHEATER raw employee amita patel in faking her resume, savings, domain ownership, online income with monthly government salary while the hardworking single woman engineer, north karnataka migrant does not get any help and is forced to low end work to cover up the massive FINANCIAL losses caused by massive government ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY racket since 2010

bookmark_borderofficials/leaders fail to answer why their favorite FRAUD architect telugu trisha does not open her own bank account

the GREEDY banking fraudster liar shameless fraud married architect telugu trisha does not have the honesty and humanity to open her own paypal, online, bank account legally .
Instead with the help of california GSB FRAUD architect kalpana nayak, panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, GREEDY banking fraudster LIAR shameless fraud married architect telugu trisha along with her fat fraud husband who wears a blue and white messi tshirt, GREEDY banking fraudster LIAR shameless fraud married architect telugu trisha is ROBBING the data of a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka and falsely claiming that she is doing all the work, paying all the expenses in a case of financial fraud, slavery
This is posted as a fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are aware that GREEDY banking fraudster LIAR shameless fraud married architect telugu trisha is not doing any computer work, does not have any online income at all, only ROBS data, to make fake claims with the help of her fraud husband, parents, grandparents using ROBBED data
The icici model for imobilepay looks like GREEDY banking fraudster LIAR shameless fraud married architect telugu trisha, it appears that her liar relatives, parents, grandparents , friends are duping companies, countries and people with fake stories about cheater telugu trisha
Some of the apps installed are also not getting credited allegedly because fraud liar telugu trisha is falsely claiming credit for work she does not do, money she does not spend

bookmark_borderInstead of reaching out to influencers, MEA should end government online, financial fraud, SLAVERY racket

Hindustan times carried a front page article on how the MEA, ministry of external affairs is reaching out to influencers in nepal, sri lanka and uae, so that they have a good impression of india.
However MEA has done nothing for the last 14 years to end the massive government online, financial fraud, SLAVERY racket on some indian online investors, workers, due to which they are forced to protest loudly against the government criminal defamation, financial fraud, slavery racket to avoid further financial losses, cheating, exploitation
Other countries are noting the indian government dishonesty, online fraud since 2010, of robbing the resume, data of some online investors, workers, private citizens to make fake claims about their lazy greedy goan call girl, housewife, and other fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, other expenses, and also do not spend time doing computer work, yet get monthly government salary only for making fake claims
Instead of spending time, money and effort in reaching out to influencers, MEA should spend a small amount of money and purchase the domains from the private citizens, instead of falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not pay expenses own the domains of the private citizens who is making great losses because of the government, tech and internet sector financial fraud, slavery since 2010

bookmark_borderInstead of reaching out to influencers, MEA should end government online, financial fraud, SLAVERY racket on indian citizens

Hindustan times carried a front page article on how the MEA, ministry of external affairs is reaching out to influencers in nepal, sri lanka and uae, so that they have a good impression of india.
However MEA has done nothing for the last 14 years to end the massive government online, financial fraud, SLAVERY racket on some indian online investors, workers, due to which they are forced to protest loudly against the government criminal defamation, financial fraud, slavery racket to avoid further financial losses, cheating, exploitation
Other countries are noting the indian government dishonesty, online fraud since 2010, of robbing the resume, data of some online investors, workers, private citizens to make fake claims about their lazy greedy goan call girl, housewife, and other fraud employees who do not spend any money on domains, other expenses, and also do not spend time doing computer work, yet get monthly government salary only for making fake claims
Instead of spending time, money and effort in reaching out to influencers, MEA should spend a small amount of money and purchase the domains from the private citizens, instead of falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees who do not pay expenses own the domains of the private citizens who is making great losses because of the government, tech and internet sector financial fraud, slavery since 2010

bookmark_borderDespite being optum human resources manager, haryana fraud ruchika kinge ruthless in SLAVERY of single women wth good JEE rank

LIAR top indian tech, internet companies are fully aware that their pet panaji CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan does not even want to purchase a computer, she has never paid for domains, other expenses like the SEX BRIBE taking LIAR top indian government employees and other fraud raw/cbi employees like panaji goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, married to the EXTORTIONIST LIAR security agency employee CHEATER caro, haryana fraud mba ruchika kinge, optum human resources manager with salary Rs 15 lakh running a SLAVERY racket on hardworking older single women engineers with a good JEE rank, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel.
Though she is a human resources manager at optum getting a very good salary of Rs 15 lakh and is aware that workers should be paid for the work they do haryana’s top online fraudster raw employee ruchika kinge, along with her fraud husband vikas, CHEATER LIAR haryana officials/leaders is extremely ruthless in her SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD on hardworking older single women engineers with a good JEE rank, falsely claiming to have the resume, savings of the single woman engineer to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman who is making great losses because of the haryana government fraud.
Though haryana’s top online fraudster raw employee ruchika kinge studied in dyal singh college, karnal, as part of the endless frauds of the government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, cheater ruchika kinge is faking her resume, including btech 1993 ee degree, savings, domain ownership and bank account to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer.
Though the single woman engineer is complaining about the government FINANCIAL FRAUD,SLAVERY which can legally proved for the last few years, indicating the lack of honesty and humanity of indian government agencies, especially raw/cbi, they refuse to correct their records, continue to rob data of the single woman engineer to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees. In india, all businesses will pay the workers, only government agencies especially raw/cbi refuse to acknowledge the workers who are spending their time doing computer, online work, rob their data to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees

bookmark_borderSince sindhi sex queen naina is getting a monthly government salary using robbed data, she does not have to do computer/mobile work

In another of major SEX rackets of the LIAR CHEATER top indian government employees, tushar parekh, puneet j, parmar, nikhil shah they continue to abuse their powers to make FAKE CLAIMS about their favorite fraud school dropout sindhi SEX queen naina premchandani, allegedly falsely claiming that the kolhapur/panaji sindhi cheater housewife naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh,who stopped studying after eighth standard to get illegally married at the age of 16 to get maximum sex practice for SEDUCING, controlling top indian government employees was their btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, has the impressive resume, savings of their female classmate, a single woman engineer, migrant from north karnataka

Though the single woman engineer whose resume, data has been robbed by the SEX maniac LIAR top indian government employees is protesting the indian government continues with its EDUCATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY and refuses to take action against the SEX maniac top indian government employees tushar parekh, puneet, parmar, nikhil shah who are abusing their powers, breaking all rules just to have SEX with sindhi sex queen naina, causing great financial losses, denying the single woman engineer, whose resume, data they ROB her fundamental right , especially the right to equality.

This is posted as a fraud alert so that countries, companies and people are aware that the powerful rich sindhi, gujju leaders/officials, tech and internet companies are openly involved in a massive EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD,SEX racket falsely claiming that the kolhapur/panaji sindhi schooldropout housewife naina premchandani, mainly cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, is an experienced engineer, online investor and has online income when sindhi sex queen naina does not have to do any computer, mobile work because 4 GREEDY SHAMELESS LIAR top indian government employees led by tushar parekh are already getting naina a monthly government salary for her services faking her resume, savings, online income, using robbed data of a hardworking migrant from north karnataka who does not get any help against the shameless sindhi, gujju, kolhapur liars.

bookmark_borderGurugram haryana’s top FRAUD mba raw employee ruchika kinge continues to fake ownership of mumbai hdfc bank account to get monthly government salary

Gurugram haryana’s top FRAUD mba raw employee ruchika kinge continues to fake ownership of mumbai hdfc bank account to get monthly government salary
One of the greatest ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUDS in india is how Gurugram haryana’s top fraud mba raw employee ruchika kinge, optum human resources manager with salary of Rs 15 lakh like other raw/cbi employees continues to fake ownership of mumbai hdfc bank account to get monthly government salary at the expense of the real account holder, a single woman engineer, migrant from from north karnataka
Gurugram haryana’s top fraud mba raw employee ruchika kinge who studied in dyal singh college, karnal has lived in north india all her life, haryana top cheater ruchika kinge has never lived in mumbai, yet showing how SHAMELESS, ruthless the GREEDY FRAUD haryana officials, leaders are in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING hardworking migrants from north karnataka who do not have anyone to help them against haryana and other fraudsters, the LIAR CHEATER haryana government continues to make fake claims about Gurugram haryana’s top FRAUD mba raw employee ruchika kinge.
Showing how haryana fraudsters are looting hardworking citizens from all over the country to make gurugram the richest city in india, Gurugram haryana’s top FRAUD mba raw employee ruchika kinge continues to fake ownership of mumbai hdfc bank account to get monthly government salary when shameless greedy gurugram cheater ruchika kinge has not opened the bank account and cannot operate it.
yet with the help of her equally fraud husband vikas, and powerful fraud boyfriends allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, haryana’s top fraud mba raw employee ruchika kinge like other fraud raw/cbi employees are robbing the data of the hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor, falsely claiming to own the bank account, domains and getting a monthly government salary, great powers at the expense of the single woman engineer who is making great losses due to haryana government, raw’s massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD
usually officials/leaders will help local people, in case of migrants, the leaders/officials from their home state will help them fight financial fraud. However in case of haryana’s top cheater ruchika kinge, showing how good the shameless cunning cheater haryana officials are in bribing leaders/officials all over india, especially north karnataka to exploit, rob hardworking professionals, investor, the north karnataka, goa officials/leaders refuse to question raw on how ruchika kinge, other fraud raw/cbi employees like greedy gujju fraud amita patel are faking ownership of the mumbai, hdfc bank account of a private citizen and getting a monthly government salary since 2010.
Since local mumbai government officials, north karnataka officials/leaders do not have the honesty,humanity and courage to question the LIAR CHEATER FRAUD SHAMELESS haryana officials/leaders, raw on how haryana’s top ONLINE FRAUDSTER gurugram mba ruchika kinge can falsely claim to own the mumbai, hdfc bank account of a single woman engineer, private citizen, the greedy shameless cheater ruchika kinge continues to geta monthly government salary ford her FRAUD, while the real domain investor make great losses because of the haryana, goa and other state government, raw/cbi online, financial fraud.