Goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan does not have a computer at home, yet for 8 years google, tata, indian internet sector, government , falsely claims that the fraud is an online expert, domain investor
One of the best proofs that top indian tech and internet companies led by google, tata, officials like brahmin sociopaths j srinivasan, puneet are section 420 FRAUDS, LIARS, is how they are DUPING companies, countries people worldwide that Goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan who does not have a computer at home, for 8 years google, tata, indian internet sector, government is falsely claiming that the fraud is an online expert, domain investor owning this and other websites where her FRAUD, SEX news is posted
The indian government, internet companies, google, tata PIMPS of sunaina are aware that goan bhandari sunaina her fraud brahmin sugar daddies puneet, j srinivasan are not paying any money for domains, sunaina has no online income at all, yet CORRUPTION, BRIBERY LEVELS are so high that only to destroy the life ,reputation of the real domain investor, a google competitor they continue their ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD since 2010
This is posted as fraud alert so that people, companies and countries are aware of the ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD,of the indian government, internet companies, google, tata PIMPS